Wednesday, September 23, 2009

1st day of school

The first day of school was ok as far as school goes. It was a fun day just because I got to see all my friends again. It was a long day the first time but after the first day time fly’s by. My classes are ok do I don’t have any complaints about them yet.
My classes are somewhat fun 1st hour was boring at the beginning but now it is becoming fun. 2nd hour is amazing but just because I love photography so that class is so far my favorite. 3rd hour is my least favorite because I don’t like math I would rather do anything else besides it. 4th hour is my history class I guess its ok I don’t hate history but I don’t like it either. I think that it is boring learning about history. 5th hour science this class is so boring I dislike science but my teacher keeps it a bit interesting. 6th hour is soft media mag. I like this class because it’s a hand’s on class you’re always doing something you’re either typing or spinning in your chairs.
School is going good still and I think that it will continue to get better along the way.

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