Friday, November 13, 2009

A Judge

A Judge
I think It would be really fun to be a judge, It’s going to take a lot of school though to become a judge it will take To become a judge, you usually have to become a lawyer first, which means attending law school and completing a law degree. Before applying to law school, however, you must first earn a bachelor’s degree. Bachelor’s degrees usually take 4 years to complete. A degree in any subject is valid but those that allow students to develop their research and writing skills, such as English, history, or political science, can be particularly helpful. Law school candidates need excellent grades, and all schools approved by the American Bar Association (ABA) require applicants to take an aptitude test called the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) as well. Competition for admission to many law schools is intense, especially for the most prestigious schools. Law school normally takes 3 years of full-time study to complete and the degree you get is usually called a Juries Doctor (JD). Some colleges offer combined law and business administration programs that take a fourth year of study and result in both the JD and Master of Business Administration (MBA) degrees. After graduating from law school, you still need to successfully complete the bar examination for the state(s) in which you plan to practice. Preparing for these examinations can take a lot of time and hard work. You have to work as a lawyer for many years and establish a good reputation before you are likely to be appointed or elected a judge.
That’s just in school they get paid a lot. Entry Wage get about $23.67, Median Wage gets about $41.23 and Experienced Wage gets about $70.82 it is a lot of money for a really easy job.
A day in the life of a Judge..
7:30 am – 8:30 am Reviewing the day’s files and correspondence; writing letters or decisions; reviewing motions. 8:30 am – 9:00 am Scheduling a conference with lawyers to decide issues in a lawsuit. 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Presiding over a trial involving two drivers and an insurance company; listening to witnesses and lawyers; making notes; ruling on issues. 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Eating lunch. 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm Presiding over a trial. 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm Doing some reading and research at home; reviewing previous cases.


  1. its cool you want to be a judge just dont yell load at the people that jurror or the people that are there lol.

  2. heyy you could sentence me to jail for killing justin dillhole
